Nae Locovato

Naejor Locovato (Nae Lyne)
Age: 29
Race: Seeker/Miqo'te
Preferred Jobs: Sage, Scholar, Dancer
Likes: Kindheartedness, honesty/sincerity, being around those she cares about, rain, waterfalls, her sister
Dislikes: Arrogance, deceit, messing with others, sudden outbursts, snakes, anyone that messes with her friends or sister
Odd Quirks: Nae loves the color purple, so she'll always been seen in it in some way, shape, or form. She also loves to dance, though not as talented as her older sister, and gets very flustered when dancing with... certain people she knows.

Bio: Nae is the twin sister of Aly, particularly gifted in the area of healing. She was offered the opportunity to study at multiple large institutions around Eorzea, but chose instead to spend her time traveling from village to village, studying the healing arts and becoming especially well-versed in sage magic. During her travels, a sweet older woman began calling her "Nae", a name she happily clung to. Over time, she took the name "Nae Trahent". After being reunited with her twin, her twin gave her a special potion that she took, changing them into Seeker of the Sun Miqo'te. She now resides in a small apartment in the Mists, spending the vast majority of her time studying her tomes for some way to cure her older sister's curse. She spends what little extra time she has with her sister and her boyfriend.